B.A Easy English Notes on Seletion of modern essays

Essay no.10
Are Doctors Men of Science.

In this essay,G.B.Shaw has criticized the doctors and their malpractices.According to him,there is no distinction between a qualified doctor and a quack.He says that a lay man wrongly thinks that every doctor is a man of science.According to Shaw,any lay man who reads scientific journals ,knows more about diseases and their treatment.Even grandmothers can prescribe better remedial measures than the doctors.
The quacks and the qualified doctors ,both,are killing the patients by their heretic treatment.So there is no difference between the both.The only difference between them is that a qualified doctor is authorized to sign death certificates while the quack is not.
Shaw rightly exposes the greedy and money minded nature of doctors.Most of the doctors are not sincere to their professions.They prescribe unnecessary tests and medicines to patients.They are not well-versed in their science and are running their clinics just to mint money.
Shaw s equation of qualified doctors with the quacks is not correct.Qualified doctors have to undergo a long tenure of study.They have adequate knowledge of human anatomy .They have studied the effects and adverse effects of medicines.The quacks ,on the other hand,have no conception of human body and medicines.They have collected some recipies to cure certain diseases.In short,we can conclude that Shaw is justified in his criticism to a great extent.
The End.

Essay no.11
Hosts and Guests
"Hosts and Guests" is a light hearted humorous essay. It shows his deep observation of human nature.He has divided mankind into two ceases the hosts and guests. In modern age ,every man possesses the instincts of a host or a guest.A host is a person who offers hospitality ,while a guest is a person who recieves hospitality.These noble instincts are being used in anegative way.It has degraded their value.A person should try to acquire these instincts according to cirtumstances to make it look elegant.

The moral of the essay is that man should try to maintain a balance between both the roles, instead of being always a guests.God has blessed man with these instincts so that he uses them  in a proper way.In this way ,we would always share love and co-operation with others.But unfortunately,the modern man has misused these instincts for his material benefits.The rich people are more inclined to become hosts as they want to show off their riches.On the other hand,the poor are always humble and submisive who have nothing to show off.Hence, they avoid becoming hosts and prefer to be guests.These are the reasons why the rich are mostly the hosts and the poor the guests.The End

Essay no.12
Bachelor's Dilemma
The essay  highlight the problems faced by a bachelor in this world.A bachelor does not know where he stand in this society.He has no belief,no nation and no aims in life.His life is much disorganized .He always finds himself on the verge of some dilemma.He always feels himself alone in this world.He is misfit in the social environment.He is often found in parties wandering alone.

When he looks into a mirror he has an altogether different idea about himself.The mirror gives him the reflection of a healthy young man with a lot of time and money who can eat drink and roam at will.He feels himself free without a wife or childern to look after.There are two types of bachelors.There is one who is handsome charming and always in searcl of new girls.There is a bit of different in the other type of bachelor.He is a mediocre considering himself a here in his dreams.He has intimacy with pretty girls only in imagination but a failure in real life.But the problems with both of them is that they are not satisfied with themselves.They always need true love but seldom get and always get whats they do not want.In short,these are some common problems faced by an American bachelor as espressed in this essay.The End

Essay no.17
Science and Values
In the present essay,Bertrand Russell makes us realize the importance of science.He enumerates its advantanges as well as disadvantages.He says that  science has completely changed the orientation and nature of our lives.He enlists many thing that science has conferred upon us.Science has helped us dimenish certain bad things from the world.Science has reduced poverty.In the past, death from starvation was common.Development in agriculture and industry has helped mankind reduce the exessive hours of labour. 
The advent of medicine and medical science has proved a great boon for mankind.Thus, it has controlled the sum of human misery.
The crimes and lawlessness have also been controlled by the science.Finger prints, telephones, street lights and the psychology of crimes have helped us control the crime rate.
Science has also reduced fanatism to its lowest levels.Swift mean of  transportation and common catron have made  the world  a global village.It has brought different nations closer to enhance the tolerance and good will in the world.
The most important advantage of science is the spread of education.Now, we can get every type of knowledge through media books and internet.
Scientific progress has increased the pleasure and amusement in the world.

Science has made us rational and broadminded.Science has also its minuses.It has increased man's destructive potential.He thinks that science and values have not developed at the same time.This has caused inhuman use of science.He urges us to adopt intellectual temper.Lust for power,malevolence and dogmatrim have harmed mankind.So, science and values should be developed in unison.      The End


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