Precis writing

2. Model for precis writing : There are numerous forms of psyshological ugliness.There is an ugliness of stupidity,for example of awareness.Un ugliness alsoof greed,of lasciviousness,of avarice.All these deadly sins,indeed,have their own peculiar negation of beauty.On the pretty faces of those especially who are trying to have a continous good time ,one sees very often a kind of bored sullenness that ruins all their charm.(Aldous Huxley).    Q1.Enumerate the forms of psychological ugliness in a single sense.   Ans: Stupidity unawareness ,lust and avarice are the forms of psychological ugliness.Q2: What is the effect of these deadly sins?  Ans:All these deadly sins negate the beauty of the pretty faces Q3:What one sees on the faces of those who want to have a continuous good time ? Ans: One sees a kind of bored sullennes on the faces of those who want to have a continuous good time .   Q4: What does the sullennes do with their faces ? Ans: This bored sullennes ruins all their charm.   Q5. Suggest a suitable title:   Ans: Forms of psychological ugliness.(the end)


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