Precis writing

5.Precis Writing: There are certain things that our age needs and certain things that it should avoid .It needs compassion and a wish that mankind should be happy,it needs the desire for knowledge and the  determination to eschew pleasant myths ,it needs above all  courageous hope and the impulse to creativeness .The things that it must avoid and that have brought it to the brink of catastrophe are cruelty,envy greed,competitiveness,search for irrational subjective certainty,and what Freudians call the death wish.(Bertrand Russell)  Q1. What are the things that our age needs?   Ans. Our age needs compassion ,fellow.feelings,desire for knowledge and determination to abstain form pleasant myths .It also needs courageous hope and desire for creativity.  Q2.What are the things ,our age must avoid? Ans. It must avoid cruelty,envy,greed,competitiveness and irrational and blind certainity. Q3. Which are the things that have brought our age to the brink of catastrophe?  Ans. Cruelty,envy,greed competitiveness and irrational thinking have brought our age to the brink of catastrophe. Q4.Title:  The Things that Our Age Needs and the Things it Must Avoid.(the end )
6.Model For Precis Writing: The next point is that all fanatical creeds do harm.This is obvious when they have to compete with other fanaticisms,since in that case they promote hatred and strife.But it is true even when only one fanatical creed is in the field .It can not allow free inquiry,since this might shake its hold.It must oppose intellectual progress.If as is usually the case,it  involves a priesthood,it gives great power to a caste professionally devoted to maintenance of the intellectual status.quo.(Bertrand Russell)   Q1.What harm do the fanatical creeds give?  Ans:  They promote hatred and strife. Q2.Why do the fanatics not allow free inquiry?  Ans: They do not aallow free inquiry lest it should lose its hold.  Q3.Why does a fanatic creed get powerful?  Ans: It becomes powerful when it involves priesthood. Q4.Who wants to maintain intellectual status.quo?Ans: The priesthood wants to maintain intellectual status.quo. Q5.Title: Evils of Fanatical Creed.(the end)


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