
Showing posts from April, 2017

Expected Essays with outlines for Annual 2017 P U

Expected Essays with outlines for Annual 2017 P  U 1.Terrorism outline. 1.Introduction.Terrorism is an international phenomenon. 2.Major forms of terrorism in our country. a.suicide attacks.b.bomb blasts.c.abduction for ransome. 2.Causes of terrorism. a.extremism.b.poverty and injustice.d.religious militancy. 3.How to control terrorism? a.By promoting eradicating acting upon a joint action awarding severe punishments to the facilitators. 4.Steps taken by the govt. to cope with this menace. 5.conclusion.The govt. the media,and the masses should make joint efforts to control this menace.
[24/02 9:37 PM] Talha.u: The Bear :Reference to the Context: Eh .my lady ! You,re young and beautiful with roses in your cheeks  ...if you only took a little pleasure. Reference: These lines have been taken from "The Bear" by "Anton Chekhov" . Context: Popova a younge widow has confined herself within the fourwalls of her house.Luka her maid.servant  tries to persuade her to cease muorning and enjoy life.  Explanation: These lines have been uttered by Luka . An old.servant .He wants to convince Popova to leave mourning and enjoy life . He tells her that she is still young and attractive .Her cheeks are rosy and she can attract the young men . He urges her to come out of the house and enjoy the company of male members. [25/02 8:26 AM] Talha.u: The Bear .  Popova: If Nicolai Mihailovitch died in debt to you,then I shall certainly pay you,but you must excuse me today. Reference: These lines have been taken from "The Bear" by " Anton Chekhov" .Conte...
Plays .1 .The Bear.   Reference to the Context: 1 Popova: I shall never go out why should I? My life already at an end.He is in his grave.And I have buried myself between four walls . Reference: These lines have been taken from "The Bear" by "Anton Chekhov." Context: Popova a young widow ,has shut herself in the four walls of her house .She has decided to continue mourning till death. Explanation: Popova,s husband has died and she is wearing mourning clothes .She has confined herself within the four walls of her house .She says that her life has ended with the death of her husband.She avows that she will never come out of her house Popova,s tall claims of sincerity prove ironical as she later jumps at the offer of marriage made by Smirnov.

Important Letter for B.A

 2.A letter to the Editor about drug addiction . The Editor, The News,Lahore.Subject:Drug Addiction.       Sir,  I would like to draw the attention of the health department  and the public towards ,the growing trend of drug.addiction among the youth.This menace has spoiled the future of our young generation .It has turned homes into hells .It has given birth to henious crimes ."Heroin.Charas,Opium Ghutka and sleeping pills are major forms of addiction among the youth.I would like to give the following suggestions to check this menace .Firstly the trend of  smoking should be discouraged.Secondly the cultivation of poppy should be prohibited .Thirdly.the government should find out the solution of poverty and unemployment .Fourthly.the media should highlight the horrible consequences of this menace.       Yours Truly,                                   ...

A genral letter covering all the burning social issues.

A letter to the Editor a sample letter . Examination Hall, A.B.C March 12,2016. Subject........... Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily,I would like to draw the attention of the govt and the relevant authorities towards an important problem which needs immediate attention of the govt and the concerned authorities.This problem has been on the increase for the past few decades public are raising great hue and cry for the redress of the issue.The govt has turned a deaf ear to voice of the public.i would  like to present my humble suggestions for the redress of this issue. Firstly,the public should gather on a single platform to convey their voice to the powerd corridors. Secondly,the media should lime light this issue. Thirdly,the relevant authorities concerned should take sweeping measures to overcome this problem Mere cosmetic measures will not be enough. Yours truly, X.Y.Z

A General Essay for Currant for B.A

A General Essay for Currant for B.A Outline.1.Introduction. one of the major problems of the third world. 2.The enormity of this issue and the steps taken by the present govt. 3.Causes of this problem. 4.Remedies suggested by the think tanks. 5.Effects of ....on the social,economic and political condition of the country. 5.Conclusion.The govt ,the mass media and the public should make joint efforts to redress this issue.Mere cosmetic measures will not be enough. Essay. one of the major problems of the developing countries.People are raising great hue and cry against this issue.The mass media has lime lighted this issue time and again but despite all this the govt is conniving at the gravity of the issue. For the past few decades,this menace has been on the increase.The govt has taken some steps in this connection but there is lack of commitment on the part of relevant authorities.If the govt lets the grass gow under its feet,it will be too late to ...


: 10 .Dailogue b/w father and son about the choice of profession.     Father: Well done my son ,I am glade to see your result in the gazette.You,ve got a brilliant success.  Son: Father! Do you know what I intend to do the next. ?    F: I wish you to become a teacher.To me,it is an honourable and well.paid profession .  S: You,re right but I am afraid that I don,t like this profession .I want to be a csp officer. F:it seems you,re attracted to this profession just for power ,pelf and..... S: Really for power ,pelf and authority .F: have not you heard the proverb,"uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."   S: But at the cost of uneasiness I m determined to get power and authority.  F: My dear chap!  Your approach to life is emotional .Mental peace goes a long way in this life. S: But Father how will I lose my peace of mind if I have wealth power and authority!   F:All the administrative posts are not without tensions .     ...


  8.Dailogue b/w two students about Electric Outage (Loadshedding)      A: How did you fare in yesterday paper?    B: What should I tell you ?I cut a sorry figure in the paper .A: But dear you were well .prepared for the exam .I can,nt believe that you cut a sorry figure.  B: I am sorry to say that I couln,t revise the entire course due to electric outages .The scorching heat didn,t let me revise the books.    A: Of course! Power failure has badly affected the student community.   B: You,r right .It has turned us into a stone age .It has made us half.mad.    A: Every govt makes tall claims to overcome load.shedding but practically nothing has been done.   B: This is the very thing that is causing brain drain in the country. A: I think , The govt , should look for some newer source of energy. B: You,re talking of newer source?Our rulers cannot even exploit and manage the already existing resources.  (the end) 9.Dailo...


Dailogues : 1 .Dailogue about T.V Programmes.                     A: I would never miss the t.v plays  tele.casted at Prime:time but now  I m sick of these plays.                         B: Is there nothing charming in these plays?          A: Not to speak of charm I feel it difficult to watch the tele cast,s sitting with my family members.     B: But majority of the viewers has begun to feel great appeal in these porn and melodramatic plays.      A: Semi.nakedness vulgar dialogues and porn scenes have became the need of the viewers . The T.v authorities keep in view the majority of the viewers taste.   B: But i think these plays should  be the real reflection of our culture.     A: Yes I agree with you that the PTV authorities should keep our Islamic culture in view.(the end) Dailogue 2: About Lov...

Precis writing

2. Model for precis writing : There are numerous forms of psyshological ugliness.There is an ugliness of stupidity,for example of awareness.Un ugliness alsoof greed,of lasciviousness,of avarice.All these deadly sins,indeed,have their own peculiar negation of beauty.On the pretty faces of those especially who are trying to have a continous good time ,one sees very often a kind of bored sullenness that ruins all their charm.(Aldous Huxley).    Q1.Enumerate the forms of psychological ugliness in a single sense.   Ans: Stupidity unawareness ,lust and avarice are the forms of psychological ugliness.Q2: What is the effect of these deadly sins?  Ans:All these deadly sins negate the beauty of the pretty faces Q3:What one sees on the faces of those who want to have a continuous good time ? Ans: One sees a kind of bored sullennes on the faces of those who want to have a continuous good time .   Q4: What does the sullennes do with their faces ? Ans: This bored sullennes r...

Precis Writing

3.Model Precis Writing : Tolerance is a very dull virtue .It is boring.Unlike love,it has always had a bad press .It is negative..It merely means putting up with people,being able to stand things.No one has ever written an ode to tolerance,or raised a statue to her.This is the sound state of mind which we are looking for.This is the quality which will be most needed after the war .This is the only force which will enable different races and classes and interests to settle down together to the work of re,construction .(E.M .Foster)  Q1.What is meant by tolerance?   Ans.It means to put up with people and to stand things Q2.Which quality will be most needed after the war?  Ans.Tolerance will be most needed after the war. Q3.What is the sound state of mind?  Ans. Tolerance is the sound state of mind . Q4.How will tolerance contribute to the work of reconstruction ?  Ans. Tolerance will enable different races , classes, and interests to settle down together for the w...

Precis writing

5.Precis Writing: There are certain things that our age needs and certain things that it should avoid .It needs compassion and a wish that mankind should be happy,it needs the desire for knowledge and the  determination to eschew pleasant myths ,it needs above all  courageous hope and the impulse to creativeness .The things that it must avoid and that have brought it to the brink of catastrophe are cruelty,envy greed,competitiveness,search for irrational subjective certainty,and what Freudians call the death wish.(Bertrand Russell)  Q1. What are the things that our age needs?   Ans. Our age needs compassion ,fellow.feelings,desire for knowledge and determination to abstain form pleasant myths .It also needs courageous hope and desire for creativity.  Q2.What are the things ,our age must avoid? Ans. It must avoid cruelty,envy,greed,competitiveness and irrational and blind certainity. Q3. Which are the things that have brought our age to the brink of catastrophe? ...

Precis writing

7.Model Precis.Writing: The chief causes of large .scale violation : love for power.compition,hate and fear. Love of power will have no national outlet when all serios military force is concentrated in the international army.Competition will be effectively regulated by law, and mitigated by government control.Fear - in the acute form, in which we know it will disappear when war is no longer to be expected .There remains hate and malevolence.This has a deep hold on human nature .(Bertrand Russell) Q1.What are the chief causes of violence?  Ans.Love of power,competition,hate and fear are the chief causes of violence.  Q2.How can love of power be controlled?  Ans. It can be controlled by concentrating all the military force in the internation army.  Q3.How can competition be regulated? Ans.It can be regulated by law and government control .Q 4.How can fear be mitigated? Ans. Fear will automatically be mitigated when war is no longer expected. Q5. Title:   Chief cau...

Precis writing

8.Precis writing: But since the Hindus were much larger in number ,the Muslims feared that under the domination,the culture of the Muslims would suffer a great set back and would perhaps be totally eclipsed .Furthermore ,in a country which was on the whole backward ,the muslims ,economically and industrially were even more backward.It seemed certain to them that,as an unalterable and perpetual minority,their economic position would grow even worse (Liaqat Ali Khan)  Q1. What did the Muslims fear? Ans.They feared that under the domination of the Hindus ,their culture would be totally eclipsed.   Q2. What was the condition of the Muslims in the sub.continent?  Ans.The Muslims were backward economically and industrially.   Q3. What seemed certain to the Muslims? Ans. It seemed certain to them that as a permanent minority their economic position  would grow worse in a united India. Q4 Title:   The fears of Muslims about the Hindu domination .(the end) 9. Preci...


10.Precis .Writing : The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function of wealth .If it were ,then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business.But as we have seen ,they have not suffered..Women are retrenching on other things than their faces.The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere. Of what changes? Of the changes I suggest ,in the status of women ,of the changes in our attitude towards the merely physical.(Aldous Huxley) .Q1. How does the writer prove that wealth is not the sole cause of beauty cult ?   Ans. The writer proves that if wealth were the sole cause of beautification cult the cosmetic industries would have been hardly hit during the trade depression. Q2. What was the reaction of women towards the trade. Depression?  Ans: They began to reduce their other expenses than their faces. Q3: what factor according to the writer,was r...

Precis Writing for B.a

10.Precis .Writing : The modern cult of beauty is not exclusively a function of wealth .If it were ,then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business.But as we have seen ,they have not suffered..Women are retrenching on other things than their faces.The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere. Of what changes? Of the changes I suggest ,in the status of women ,of the changes in our attitude towards the merely physical.(Aldous Huxley) .Q1. How does the writer prove that wealth is not the sole cause of beauty cult ?   Ans. The writer proves that if wealth were the sole cause of beautification cult the cosmetic industries would have been hardly hit during the trade depression. Q2. What was the reaction of women towards the trade. Depression?  Ans: They began to reduce their other expenses than their faces. Q3: what factor according to the writer,was r...

Precis Writing for B.a

11. Precis.Writing . Sometimes I  have thought it would b an excellent rule to live each dayas if we should  die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life .we should live each day with gentleness a vigour,and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. (Helen Keller) . Q1.What excellent rule does the writer present to live? Ans. The writer thinks it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Q2.What do we lose when we find a constant panaroma of life before us? Ans. When we find that time stretches before us in the constant panaroma,we lost gentleness,vigour and keenness of appreciation . Q3. Which attitude can sharpen the values of our life? Ans.To live each day as if we should die tomorrow will be the right attitude which can sharpen the values of our life. Q4. Title: How to live a fruitful life

precis writing for B.a

12.precis.writing : Most of us ,however ,take life for granted.We know  that one day we must die,but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health ,death is all but unimaginable.We seldom think of it .The days stretch out in an endless visa . So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.(Helen Keller). Q 1.Why do we take life for granted? We take life for granted  because we think that the day we will die is far in the future. Q2. What is our attitude towards death when we are healthy ? Ans. When we are in buoyant health ,we take death as unimaginable. Q3.Why do we show listlessness towards life ? Ans. When we see that the days are stretching before us in an endless scene,we become lazy and listless towards life. Q4.Title: Our listless attitude towards life.(the end)

Precis Writing for B.a

13.Precis Writing : One of the causes of unhappiness among intellectuals in the present day is that so many of them ,especially those whose skill is literary,find no opportunity for the independent exercise of their talents,but have to hire themselves out to rich corporations directed by Philistines,who insist upon their producing what they themselves regard as pernicious nonsense.If you were to inquire among journalists either in England or America whether  they believed in the policy of the newspaper for which they worked,you would find ,i believe ,that only a small minority do so ; the rest, for the sake of a livelihood,prostitute their skill to purposes which they believe to be harmful.Such work cannot bring them real satisfaction.(Bertrand Russel ). Q1.What is the major cause of unhappiness among intellectuals? Ans.The major cause of their happiness is their inability to use their talents independently. Q2. To whom do they hire out their services ?Ans.They have to hire out the...

Precis Writing for B.A

14.Precis.Writing .New ideas also make for conflict.Old African chiefs hated roads and railways.They said they brought in strangers who corrupted the young people with new ideas and made them rebellious.They were quite right.It is far easier to rule a primitive tribe than a modern democracy where every individual is ready to criticize the government where everyone has his own ideas about plitics and religion and where dozens of societies,unions,relgious sects claim independence and support ambitious leader who are ready to fight at any time for their rights.(Joyce Cary). Q1.What is the harm of new ideas? Ans.New ideas corrupt the young people and make them rebellious.They also cause conflict. Q2.What paves way for new ideas? Ans. Roads and railways .which bring in strangers pave way for new ideas. Q3.Why is it easy to rule a primitive tribe? Ans.It is easy to rule to primitive tribe as they do not have individual ideas.They have the same political and religious views. Q4.Why is it diff...

Precis Writing for b.a

15.Precis.Writing: Every age,they say ,has its special bit of nonsense.The eighteenth century had its noble savage,and the nineteenth century its automatic progress.Now we have this modern nonsense about the "mass man ".We are all told constantly that people are becoming more and more standadized.That mass education,mass amusement,mass production,ready made clothes and a popular press are destroying all individuality .All the little lost souls wear the same uniform,eat the same meals,think the same thoughts and play the same games.(Joyce Cary) Q1.Enumerate different nonsenses of different ages?   Ans. The eighteenth century had the nonsense of noble savage,the nineteenth century had automatic progress and the modern age had the nonsense of mass man . Q2.What are we told constantly about the modern people? Ans. We are constantly told  that modern people are becoming more and more standardized. Q3. What are the things which are destroying the individuality? Ans. Mass education,...

Precis Writing for b.A

16.Precis Writing : Work,therefore ,is a desirable ,first and foremost,as a preventive of boredom,for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days.With this advantage of work another is associated,namely that it makes holidays much more delicious when they come.Provided a man does not have to work as hard as to impair his vigour ,he is likely to find far more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find(Betrand Russel).       Q1.What is the first advantage of work? Ans.The first advantage of work is that it prevents boredom .   Q2.How does the writer compare idleness with the uninteresting work? Ans. According to the writer, a neccessary,though uninteresting work is less painful than the boredom ,a person feels in his idle hours. Q3.What is the advantage of work in respect of holidays ? Ans.Work makes holidays more enjo...

Precis writing for B.A

17.Precis.writing: The satisfaction to be derived from success in a great constructive enterprise is one of the most massive that life has to offer ,although unfortunately in its highest forms it is only open to men of expectional [24/02 9:29 PM] Talha.u: Exceptional  ability . Nothing can rob a man of the happiness of successful achievement in an important piece of work ,unless it be the proof that after all his work was bad . The man who by a scheme of irrigation has caused the wilderness to blossom like the rose enjoys it in one of its tangible forms . Q1.How can we achieve the highest satisfaction? Ans. We can derive the highest satisfaction from a success in a great constructive enterprise. Q2.What is the outcome of successful achievement? Ans.Successful achievement in an important piece of work gives the highest pleasure that can not be robbed . Q3. Who can enjoy the blooming roses? Ans. The man who irrigates the wilderness and cause the flowers to bloom in it ,enjoys the sa...

Precis Writing for B.A

18. Precis.Writing : Compare the press of today with that of a hundred or even fifty years ago. You will find a far greater variety of  subjects appealing to a greater variety of tastes.You will find instructive articles on matters formerly dealt with only in the special magazines.Perhaps they do not aim at a learned audience,but they help the general reader to get some idea of what  the experts are doing in atomic research or medicine or even astronomy. If you want to write a best.seller,your best subject now.a.days is probably cosmology.(Joyce Cary)  Q1. What did the press of the past do ? Ans. The press of the past aimed at the general reader to get  some idea of what the experts are doing in different fields. Q2. What is the salient feature of the press today is that it has far greater variety of subjects which appeals to variety of people .Q3. What should you do if you want to be a best.seller? Ans. If you want to be a best .seller,you subject should be cosmolog...

Precis writing for B.A

20.Precis    .Writing: Modernity ,snobbery .though not exclusive to our age ,has come to assume an unprecedented importance. The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character,thanks to modern machinary production is outrunning consumption .Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial prosperity. The sooner a consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another the better for the producer.At the same time,of course,the producer must also do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles (Aldous Huxley). Q1. What is the modernity.snobbery due to? Ans. It is due to modern machinary and economic prosperity .Q2. Why has the production outrun the consumption ? Ans: The production has outrun the consumption due to the use of modern machinary. Q3. How do we contribute to the industrial prosperity? Ans.We contribute to the industrial prosperity by throwing away =ur old things and purchasing the new ones. Q4. Why do...

Precis writing for b.a

21.Precis writing . Science has already conferred an immense boom on mankind by the growth of medicine .In the 18 th century ,people expected most of their children to die before they were grow up .Improvement began at the beginning of the 19th century,chiefly owing to vaccination .It has continued ever since and still continuing.In 1920, the infant mortality in England and Wales  was 80 per thousand,in 1948 it was 34 per thousand.The general death .rate in 1948 was the lowest ever recorded up to that date. (Bertrand Russel) Q1 What is the immense boon of science on mankind? Ans: The immense boon of science on mankind was the growth of medicine .Q2. What played a chief role in reducing the death rate ? Ans: The use of vaccination played a chief role in reducing death rate . Q3. What was the death rate in England and Wales in 1920? Ans. In 1920 the death rate in England and Waless was 80 per thousand .Q4.What was the death rate in these countries in 1948? Ans: In 1948, The death rat...


Precis.writing : Great progress has been  made by America in the field of mechanization .It is spending lavishly on labour saving machines.Efficient organization of highly Å«mechanized system has resulted maximum productivivity in America .With mass production ,the amenities of life are available to almost every citizen .On the contrary,Europe subordinates the use of machines to human happiness and well.fare.It encourages man,s reliance on his own faculties and realizes the dangers inherent in the American scheme,However,great the advantages of mechanization,it crushes the creative faculty of man and makes a machine out of him.His individual liberty and personality suffer an irretrievable loss.In his moments of leisure,the worker finds it difficult to turn his hands to creative work because the machine made goods do not inspire him in the direction of refinement .These goods also lose their fascination because mass production has given a set back to the individuality of articles ...

Precis.writing for B.A

2.Precis.writing: Fortunately ,however,the growth of industrialism has coincided in the west with the growth of domocracy.It is possible now,if the population of the world does not increase too fast ,for one man,s labour to provide a bare subsistence for himself and his family .Given and intelligent democracy not misled by some dogmatic creed this possibility will be used to raise the standard of life .It has been so used more effectively but for war.Its use in raising the standard of life depended mainly upon three things :, democracy,trade unionism and birth control. All three,of course ,have incurred hostility from the rich .If these three things can be extended to the rest of the world as it becomes industrialization ,and if the danger of great wars  can be eliminated ,poverty can be abolished throughout the world,and excrssive hours of labour will no longer be necessary anywhere.But without these three things industrialism will create a regime like that in which the Pharaohs b...

Idioms.... B.A(Sargodha university

Idioms.... B.A(Sargodha university ) 1-A bed of roses: Life is not a bed of roses. 2-Leave no stone unturned:She left no stone unturned to pass the B.A examination. 3-Keep from:He could not keep from the use of smoking. 5-To be at cross purposes:He is at cross purposes with his father on the issue of his marriage. 6-To fall through:The plan fell through for want of hard work. 7-A thorn in flesh: This problem is a thorn in my flesh.I wish I had a solution for it. 8-To get over:He got over his difficulties soon. 9-Come of:He comes of a noble family. 10-Safe and sound:He reached his destination safe and sound. 11-Carry weight:His arguments do not carry weight. 12-Set off:We set off to Lahore next morning. 13-To look forward to:I m looking forward to summer vacation. 14-Fair weather friend: Don't trust him,he is a fair weather friend. 15-To take down: Take down,what I dictate you. 16-For good:He left the city for good. 17-Bosom friend: They were bosom friends and went e...

(Corrections)B.A Sargodha university

(Corrections)B.A Sargodha university 1-The sceneries of Swat are lovely. The scenery of Swat is lovely. 2-He and I am playing. He and I are playing. 3-The horse and carriage are at the door. The horse and carriage is at the door. 4-The scholar and poet have died. The scholar and poet has died. 5-Time and tide wait for none. Time and tide waits for none. 6-The committee have issued their report. The committee has issued its report. 7-I have two works to do. I have two pieces of work to do. 8-I will see you during summer vacations. I will see you during summer vacation. 9-The jury was divided in its verdict. The jury were divided their verdict. 10-You should refrain of doing evil. You should refrain from doing evil. 11-I have not met him since two days. I have not met him for two days. 12-I will not comply to your request. I will not comply with your request. 13-I don't agree with your proposal. I don't agree to your proposal. 14-Hardly he got his resul...

Correction of errors for B.A

Correction of Errors for B.A 1. Based on Tenses 1.Why he left the room without my permission? correct.why did he leave the room without my permission? 2.He is living here since two years. correct.He has been living here for two years. 3.He has passed his B.A in 19 90. correct.He passed his B.A in 19 90. 4.He has and will help us. Correct.He has helped and will help us. 5.The principle ,along with staff members ,have come. Correct.The principle ,along with sraff members,has come. 6.He said that he will go to America. Correct.He said that he would go to America. 7.If he will go to Lahore,he will bring toys for you. Correct.If he goes to Lahore,he will bring toys for you. 8.Unless he does not work hard,he will not succeed. Correct.Unless he works hard,he will not succeed. 9.Wood float on water. Correct.Wood floats on water. 10.Tell me why does he hate me. correct.Tell me why he hates me.

Corrections of errors for B.A

: Corrections .   1.What  you are doing now? Correct: what are you doing? 2.This is a worth.seeing sight. This is a sight worth.seeing.3.Muslims recite Holy Quran.The Muslims recite the Holy Quran. 4.He is taller than me. He is taller than I. 5.Higher you go,cooler it is. The higher you go,the cooler it is. 6.He was charged from murder. He was charged of murder.7.It was raining since morning .It had been raining since morning.8.I like such boys who speak the truth. I like such boys as speak the truth. 9.He jumped in the river. He jumped into the river. 10. He wants that I should teach him .He wants me to teach him. [14/03 1:58 PM] Talha.u: 11.Where you spent your holiday? .Where did you spend your holiday.? 12.He gave me many advices. He gave me many pieces of advice.13.The Pakistan is Islamic country.Pakistan is an Islamic country. 14. No sooner he saw the dog,he ran away.No sooner did he see dog than he ran away. 15.This book has been published last year. This book was pub...

Most important english idioms for B.A

71. Tooth and nail: He fought against the enemy tooth and nail. 72.Break into: The thief broke into his house last night.73fall off.selfish friends fall off in povery.74.came of: She comes of a noble family.(the end)

Most important english idioms for B.A

: Idioms. 1 Carry on: Please carry on your studies. 2.Face the music: He committed mistakes,and later on he had to face the music.3.Few and far between: His visits here are few and far between. 4.Get rid of: We should get rid of corruption .5Hue and cry: People are raising hue and cry against the new taxes .6.To have a gift of the gab: He can impress the audience as he has the gift of the gab.7.In a fix: He is in a fix as he can not decide what subjects he should choose for his B.A.8 Inspite of: Inspite of his efforts ,he could not get his job.9.Off an on: He visits his relatives off and on . 10. For the sake of : He spoke the truth for the sake of his conscience.   11.Above all.He is hardworking ,able and above all honest. 12.A bird,s eye view: We had a bird,s eye view of the city from the aeroplane. 13:Blue Stocking:She is considered a blue stocking among literary circles. 14. A busy bee: He has no time to chat as he is a busy bee. 15.A Wet blanket: He is a wet bla...

B.A Easy English Notes on Seletion of modern essays

Essay no.10 Are Doctors Men of Science. In this essay,G.B.Shaw has criticized the doctors and their malpractices.According to him,there is no distinction between a qualified doctor and a quack.He says that a lay man wrongly thinks that every doctor is a man of science.According to Shaw,any lay man who reads scientific journals ,knows more about diseases and their treatment.Even grandmothers can prescribe better remedial measures than the doctors. The quacks and the qualified  doctors ,both,are killing the patients by their heretic treatment.So there is no difference between the both.The only difference between them is that a qualified doctor is authorized to sign death certificates while the quack is not. Shaw rightly exposes the greedy and money minded nature of doctors.Most of the doctors are not sincere to their professions.They prescribe unnecessary tests and medicines to patients.They are not well-versed in their science and are running their clinics just to mint money. Shaw...

B.A Easy English Notes on Seletion of modern essays

Essay no 9. The Beauty Industry. This essay is full of humour and irony.It has moral implications that real beauty is but skin deep.Huxley makes fun of the modern women for their over much craze to beautify themselves.He ironically says that American women spend too little on their personal appearance.The very title is ironical as it refers to the excessive craze of women to personal embellishment. He says that fully made up ,ruddled and white washed,women cease to look human s.They seem to be statues or painted vessels.One has to look closely or touch them to discover a living face.He compares women to a porcelean jar.If a jar contains some stinking slime it does not affect its outer surface but if the filth and corruption of a human vessel shows through. The writer came across many women who were beautiful from porcelean point of view but they were repulsive and ugly. The moral of the essay is that real beauty is a matter of inner as well outerself.Woman is a living being therefore h...

B.A Easy English Notes on Seletion of modern essays

Essay no.8 .My Tailor. The essay describes an ideal relationship between the writer and his tailor.The writer had been visiting his tailor for the last thirty years.Both had developed a certain intimacy with each other. The essay contains humour and pathos as well.The tailor has been presented as an expert and typical tailor.He knows the choice of the writer and his preference for a certain piece of cloth and even its colour.He himself suggests the cloth and its colour without  letting the writer speak of it.He welcomes the customers with a smile on his face.He had a measuring rape woven round his neck.He could stand for an indefinite period of time on one leg. He had a strange way of recieving the payment of the bill.He never asked the writer for the payment but used to write a letter to the writer .He wrote that he had to pay for the consignments from Europe .So he was forced to ask for the payment.It was a strange coincidence that his consignments always reached when the writer ...